Need Help! Help need with a build i want to start.
First off hello, I have posted here a couple of times and always got good responses. What I am wanting to do is build a cnc router so i can make my aluminium case panels (I have attached some JPG for...
View ArticleHaas G47 subprogram O9876
Can someone provide me with the subprogram from a Haas control that does engraving? It is subprogram #O9876. Thanks in advance!
View ArticleLinear bearing guide problem
I just got a used pair of linear rail with 4 bearing guides on it. Pretty good deal for the length. The bearings are Bosch Rexroth R165111320. One of the bearing trucks pushes unevenly. It sticks a...
View Articledm2800 Counterweight
Attached is a photo of the 2800 I purchased at this just past Cabin Fever Expo auction in York Pa. As you can see it is missing some sheet metal. I can recreate that but what I don't know much about is...
View Article8020 parts bundles on Ebay
An email from a KRMx02 CNC builder. He went in person to pickup his 8020 kit items and he wanted to share his experience. Quote: Subject: 80/20 Message: Just wanted to drop you an FYI. Today I drove to...
View ArticleThe Linux operating system
Not being of computer background, there are lots of things I dont know. I was told by engineres at Alcoa that the Linux operating system was a very rock solid operating system. It is what they use to...
View ArticleAdvice sought on my CNC rehab
I have a machine that has been running hard for almost 10 years now. It has G320 Servo Drives. I am using HEDS encoders. Years ago I got advice from Mariss who suggested I put a tiny little blue...
View ArticleProblem engraving - depth changes
I had a problem today when carving line work with a vbit. A little background, I imported some .dwf line work I created in AutoCad. Brought into VCarve and created a single toolpath for all my...
View ArticleGoogle chrome freezing and crashing
If you're have issues with google chrome this maybe the fix- How To: Solve your Google Chrome Freezing and Hanging Problems
View ArticleOkuma LNC-8 from 1993 help
Hi all, I am a high school machine shop instructor and we recently acquired a 1993 LNC 8 turning center with OSP 5020L. Slowly figuring things out but have some questions. 1. It has an rs-232 port but...
View ArticleCutter diameter compensation question.
Just a quick question about cutter diameter compensation. In my past life working on old Cincinnati VMC's, we used to modify programs that were written without using CDC to use it by simply adding the...
View ArticleNeed Help! DEL-TA
I need the manual for SYMBOLIC FAPT TURN System Edition 5502/09 5521/09
View ArticleJust In Can water jet cutting machine do engraving works
As we all know,water jet cutting machine is powerful and suit for cutting many hard materials include marble,stone,granite,glass,stainless steel,aluminum and so on. But now we have a question,can it do...
View ArticleNeed Help! Posting of G18 or G19 commands
OK well to start I'm new on here, but anyway when im posting out my program to do an arc in the XZ or YZ axis it won't post out the G18 or G19 command .I have tried different posts , tried the arc...
View ArticleNeed Help! 3d toolpath from curve created out of a surface
hello, everybody I was wandering if some one can help with problem?, I have a .25 radios fillet between two sets of surfaces at aprox 30 degrees(red surface) so I created curves out of the fillets...
View ArticleNeed Help! Mach3 + 3Axis+1-TA8435
Hello, I am having some trouble getting my CNC Machine (Sable-2015) I purchased around 2 years ago and now have sometime to play around with it. The trouble I am having is when I load a G-Code into...
View ArticleHow???
I don't want to sound totally stupid or anything but, where does one go to learn how to program or I guess draw a wheel in either AutoCAD or via cad? I have both and have no idea how to even start. I...
View Article3d Printer ABS/PLA
Hei. Er det noen i det ganske land som driver med slikt? Har lest litt på forumet her, samt sett litt på Ebay og det er mange typer ute på markedet.. For min del så er det vel ABS som er materialet å...
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