Need Help! LG 500 Engraver keypad display not turning on
I bought the LG500 50W CO2 engraver from Automated Technologies in September and it arrived in October. Total run time is about 7 hours and I have had no problems until yesterday, December 3rd. I was...
View ArticleLost Foam Pattern Making
Lost foam pattern making can be produced by several means. In volume production, multiple copies of patterns are prepared by moulding. It is also possible to machine foam patterns on a high speed CNC...
View Articleyaskawa 3phase pack
Hi all, I am having some issues with the 3phase 240V servo pack. Our country power supply is 240V 1phase. How do I wired a 3phase 240V into the yaskawa SGDM 08 servopack? Thanks
View ArticleProblem How to extend the effective cutting range of SteelTailor portable CNC...
20120713182021-2e562c7d-me.jpg The effective cutting range of SteelTailor Power/Valiant 2.0 portable CNC cutting machine is 3m,How can I extend the effective cutting range? Customer can use Frame Rail...
View ArticleNeed Help! fanuc 6m error 2 alarm led on
hi everyone i need a help with fanuc 6m moriseiki mv 45 vmc error 2 alarm led on that alarm says magazine not in position that is magazine stop in tool change can i reset this alarm thank...
View ArticleKonnect cable length
Hi Tom, Could you suggest a way to increase KFlop to Konnect cable length over the recommended max of several inches? Maybe a buffering IC in the middle or something? I would like to find a way to get...
View ArticleOffer USED MACHINES from 12-07-2013
Hello CNC Friends, the following machines are now offered on our online marketplace for used machines: 1 CNC-lathes (2-axes) 2 Presses with mechanical driving 1 Pressbrakes Kind regards, USED MACHINES...
View ArticleSX3 to X4 electronics question
Hello I have an SX3 converted with x4 electronics working in manual mode but am trying to figure out wiring to work with A Gecko g540 for the spindle control. On the spindle board it has 7 pins which...
View Articlepost processor for mach3
I am using mach3 atc arcs inches,what post processor do you select in sheetcam
View ArticleProblem What is this blue cloud?
Dimension X Ordinate, I opened the help menu, I understand the option in the data tab, for some reason it also includes this MASSIVE blue cloud. I can select None in the arrows section to get rid of...
View ArticleAutoCAD Drops a bomb from a cloud.
CAM Product Showcase Autodesk CAM Software | Anthony Graves What will happen to CAM software companies like Surfcam and Mastercam now that you can get 2 1/2 D for free, 3D cam software for $75 a month...
View Articlenew hermes vangaurd 9000
What do i need to run the 9000 it starts up goes to home and screen says ready to receive now how to send it a g file with mach3 any info?
View ArticleHolding down sheet metal
I route a lot of thin sheet aluminum from .015" to .125" thick with small 1/16" or 1/8" carbide bits. I normally hold it to MDF with double sided tape. It is a pain because I need to do a test route on...
View Article"HVAC method of holding sheet metal"
This is a snippet from MultiCAM's page . . . They use this hemisphere device to hold sheet metal on a plasma table because the speed required to cut this thin of metal combined with warping caused by...
View ArticleOT - Tried to buy USA craftsman wrenches and here's what happened
Saw a 50% off ad on the web for a set of craftsman combination wrenches and some reviewers got a USA made set and others were from china. I take a chance and go to the store and some individual...
View ArticleHello
Hi Everybody, Master's Student in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Guelph in Canada. Look forward to collaborating with many of you in the future. Cheers, John
View ArticleBuild Thread Steel frame update after a long time
Hi all, After a long time I finally finished my machine, well version 1 anyway! At this stage I have been managing to cut wood to a satisfactory level and have been learning heaps. I have been focusing...
View ArticleNeed Help! Nothing moves in LinuxCNC, but in setup it works!?
Hi All, I got a weird problem when running LinuxCNC. I got it all set up the same way as in Mach3 in terms of pinouts and EStop etc. I can also jog all axis during the setup and they move the correct...
View Articlekl 4030 jumper and driver jumpers help
I have the 3 axes kit nema 23 36/9.7/425oz /kl 4030. Im getting no motor movement at all. Question 1 what do I set the driver jumpers to? 2. There are 8 wires on the motors im just using the 4 solid...
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