November 14, 2017, 6:00 am
Very new to CNC and machining and still have a lot to learn. I have been attempting to machine a 3/16" deep 45 degree chamfer in 3/8" thick steel plate that was cut into an 8 inch diameter disc on the plasma. I am attempting to chamfer around the entire edge.
I am wondering how people account for the hardened edges from the plasma? Also what might be the best way to go about this operation? I have found a recipe that works but does not seam ideal and i believe it can be much approved upon as im just starting to understand basic speeds and feeds. I have been thrown into the fire and told to use what we have to figure it out. I have been using a 1/4 inch 5 flute endmill in a ramping toolpath stepping down 3 times and moving outward as cutter ramps down. I then come back with a 45 degree .391 max depth cut index-able chamfer mill in a single pass to finish chamfer. I have produced okay parts but believe my speeds and feeds are off and I can cut down on tool wear and cycle time(takes about 12 minutes currently) with a better recipe and tool paths. The edges from the plasma seem to make things tricky as well. I am looking for any input and advice to help and keep me on the right track. As I do not have much experience. here is a link to the tool
And the Part
November 14, 2017, 6:24 am
Could some one help me.
Its about an Mori Seiki NLX 2500 Y
I would like to change the Common Work Offset from 576.000 to 576.200.
Best regards Twan.
November 14, 2017, 7:01 am
We have been using BobCad v27 for a while. Our computer crashed and when we reinstalled we get this error when running the simulator.
November 14, 2017, 7:41 am
Finally got one complete. This is my first complete playable guitar. I have others in various stages hoping to complete more.
November 14, 2017, 8:15 am
I imported a 12-tooth chain sprocket file from Mcmaster-Carr.
The teeth are tapered at the edges, not flat to the face.
When I go into CAM, and try to profile around the outside edge of the sprocket, it won't let me.
It shows each tooth as it's own curve.
I tried to push-pull the face, but alarms popped up.
Fusion is really frustrating!
I just want to mill the outside profile of a damn chain sprocket!!!!!
Any help, or knowledge about this? Please.
November 14, 2017, 8:29 am
I need assistance... I am wanting to do these square monogram frames with last name as pictured...I cannot find any SVG files for these items...I have looked everywhere Etsy, other sites...can anyone PLEASE help me with this :confused::confused:
November 14, 2017, 9:55 am
Hi All,
I have a Hardinge CHNC 1 with a Siemens 410T controller, I have a strange problem?
When the machine reads an M01 (or tool call) command the spindles sometimes will not come to a complete halt and spins at around 12 to 15 Rpm? If this happens
during a tool change the machine just sits waiting for the spindle to stop, sometimes it will eventually stop and so the tool change happens and the machine
carries on thro its cycle until the next M01 or tool call,
The machine is run on a three phase converter and has been good for a long while, I am wondering if there is any voltage instability from the converter could this cause
an issue (I have not checked the outputs from the 3 phase converter for a long while)
Sometimes shutting the machine down (and the phase converter) seems to clear the problem and the machine runs for the rest of the day ok?
Thanks for any help or ideas!
November 14, 2017, 10:06 am
Hello everyone,
We have 5 Haas VF2 mills that we use to cut glass (core, chamfer, saw, mill). I have a jury-rigged machine vision system in which the operator finds crosshairs that are laser engraved on the glass to align the part and set his XY home. Has anyone automated their alignment process with a real machine vision system? Ours is currently very time consuming, and I'm looking to speed up the process significantly. Thanks for any help.
November 14, 2017, 10:57 am
We have a machine with a December 2013 manufactured Edge Rebel 80 Servo loader and called Edge for support programming the loader which had already been installed on the machine. Edge has according to their receptionist, multiple technical support representatives. We were told by one tech person that he was hired just after this generation of Rebel 80 was discontinued. We were told tech support people were going to other contacts in the company several times in the process. No support filtered back to us. The Rebel 80 is still an active product in the Edge lineup. We figured out most of the programming on the floor with zero constructive technical support, and were able to load a bar in subspindle mode to the required topcut position, teach its length, run production, reload etc, with one problem remaining-
The loader loads the manually loaded bar and derives one (correct) count, then loads the automatic bar and the count is one part short so the resulting bar end is long with one part remaining. The manual for this machine is very Taiwanese in its feel- using broken English. It appears that the bar measure flag and unmodified push rod are not calibrated to each other, or the PLC needs an adjustment to a parameter we are not allowed access to. There is no solution I can see to this problem without quality support that appears un-obtainable on the market.
Edge has several times in this process deferred questions to "programmers" an abstract group of Edge employees that we have never spoken with. The feedback has never been returned to us. So we have to this point in time received ZERO technical assistance from Edge Technologies technical support despite numerous one way calls. I believe that people should be aware of these issues when they arise, because I'm beginning to realize the CNC product industry has some of these issues. I would have been happy to know Edge had no customer support prior to getting involved with an Edge product. We purchased this product with a machine, and certainly could have argued to reduce the price of that machine if we understood this product would be dysfunctional and essentially near worthless. If every automatic bar loaded is going to cost a couple dollars worth of material, it's probably going to be better to hand load the bars.
Right now we're either throwing out bar stock, or hand loading stock and using the Fanuc parts counter to run to a parts required count. Those are the options.
November 14, 2017, 11:16 am
Hi, I'm in So. Ca, I've lost my husband and I need to liquidate his hoard of 80/20, linear rails, ball screws, and a half finished router table he was in process of making...undermount router, festool clamp ready top.
I've called multiple places and am hitting a wall. I KNOW how much he invested, and that it's a specialty item that most people aren't even familiar with...but I've sold house, and it needs to go....have incredible debt to pay and would be willing to recoup pennies on the dollar at this point.
Can anyone on this forum please give me some ideas?
Hibo's wife
November 14, 2017, 11:58 am
November 14, 2017, 12:32 pm
Looking for a video card for a vmx24 Ultimax dual screen. Hurco part # 4150220010T PCB ASS'Y, 228 PCI DUAL VGA
November 14, 2017, 12:36 pm
What decent quality wood can I buy (for a NEWBIE) at Home Depot or Lowes?
I want a good wood to practice on while I learn Mach3. I really prefer to buy something close by and not too expensive.
I have only used 1/2" MDF so far and it created way too much dust for me.
Help me out guys, please.
November 14, 2017, 12:53 pm
I have a 1993 American Way that the VRD drive went south in it, i found the same exact drive but need help with the configuration of it. Maybe someone out there has these configurations. you can email me at
November 14, 2017, 12:56 pm
I am running a Mazak QT30 Mazatrol T-Plus with a g code option.
What I am doing is machining a round block down to size, making part offs to the needed depth and then running a large drill to make small length parts. An issue I am having is that the interface that generates the code makes it like so:
G0 X.0000
G1 Z7.8346
G0 Z9.6457
G0 Z7.8740
G1 Z6.9291
G0 Z9.6457
so it stops and starts the chuck after ever drill. I tried to put a dwell instead of M0 so the chuck continues running. I put
G4 P3000
so it should allow a 3 second pause before drilling again and the chuck continues running but instead it doesn't pause at all. I also tried
G04 P3000
and still got the same outcome.
If anyone knows where I am going wrong with this and can help out, it would be much appreciated.
November 14, 2017, 1:32 pm
Setting up velocity, acceleration and jerk in step response screen, did x axis all good, want to do y axis but it is dual motor slaved to master afraid to run in step response screen it allows to set one channel but what happens to slave, don't want to twist gantry if it only moves the master and when saving does it save the info to slaved motor channel if it does both?
November 14, 2017, 1:35 pm
I'm planing to get into the DIY CNC, partly because I finds it fascinating and partly because I want to make things with it. I'll try and outline the line of action that I intend to pursue. I'll be happy for any comment and will ask some specific question as well.
I intend to make two machines.
First a smaller to learn and hopefully help in making the next one. I'm looking at 3 axis eBay kits with SBR16 and SFU1605. Intended strokes are 36x20x4". I'm most comfortable with working with wood so I plan to use 5/8" plywood and work with closed boxes as much as possible. The machine will be located in a constant temperature basement with the possibility to control the humidity if necessary. I want this machine to be able to deliver accuracy of about 0.1 to 0.5 mm, i.e. 0.004- 0.02". Hopefully the lower one if used carefully. Speed is not a goal.
The second one should be able to handle full sheets. I also intend to have a removeable bed. I'm thinking of having the bearing blocks for the z-axis on the y-wagon and the rails on the z-axis. I hope this would give a high stiffness with the bed and still a useable machine for foam work with a larger z-stroke, up to 16". I'm toying with the idea to laminate, glass or carbon fibre, especially the gantry to increase the stiffness.
There is a few specific things that I really would appreciate some input on, apart from a general sanity check:
Are torques of about 300 oz-inch reasonable to drive machine 1? Bear in mind that I'm not looking for speed. I expect the gantry to be about 50 lb and driven by two screws. I will use either a small router or a spindle, I would prefer a spindle but already have a small DW router that would do for starters. Some quick calculations shows that forces of at least 20 lb should be attainable, this would give a reasonable acceleration but would it be ok for cutting in wood with moderate feed rates?
I don't have a computer with a parallell port and don't se any major point with getting one. Is a motion controller a good choice or simply overkill. It would be moved, possibly together with the stepper drivers, to machine 2.
I'm starting to do some CAD-work and I will follow up here.
any comments are appreciated
November 14, 2017, 1:41 pm
Hi all have got myself A Microtec 3000 cnc milling machine .
Yes the fun is starting Any one know anything avout them . Its a nice piece of iron .
But the control has me guessing .I have a bit of the manual .I am chasing a bit of information about the electronics boards .
anything would be good
November 14, 2017, 2:14 pm
Im currently setting up four ES-DH2306 Easy servos.
The servos enable with 0V between the enable lines by dafault and i would like to change this so the servos enable only when 24V is applyed across the enable lines to the servos.
In the default state ( 0V is enabled ) the servos enable and it works fine.
I have changed the PA_015 Value to "0" which should be active high and have written to Eprom.
I then have 24VDC across the Enable lines +24 and -0V but the amps wont enable. I have checked all my wiring etc and i think the servo drives should enable when the 24v is applyed but this is not the case. Anyone able to help?
I have tryed everything from a new power supply through to a different EMI filter and also using 5V instead of 24V. The enable wires are on the correct pins etc as it works perfectly on active low. It just wont work with active high signal. My wiring is in the differential configuration.
Im wondering wether a firmware update is necessary?
Anyway any help at all very much appreciated!
November 14, 2017, 3:27 pm
I'm just looking on those tilting motorized rotary tables (P/N 31996 and 31997) and wondering if there is any chance that Tormach adds another stepper to these tables to allow 5 axis machining?