The Neuron.THC is a ARM microprocessor-based torch height control system which controls the torch-to-work distance of a plasma torch during cutting operations. The system includes a control module, plasma system interface module, interconnecting cables and optional operator control module.
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- Works with all plasma cutting systems.
- Connect via Ethernet interface to Mach3 CNC and controls Z axis directly. No additional parallel port or port multiplexing.
- All Parameters are set and displayed from Control Panel integrated in Mach3. Quick access and changing of all parameters.
- Unlimited number of cut profiles for different metal thicknesses. Quickly switch between profiles and the ability to quick edit them.
- No matter to set parameters in G-Code.
- Set point resolution - 0.25V
- Set point range - 25 - 250V
- Maximum control accuracy - +/-0.25V
- Voltage feedback (divider) - 1:20, 1:10 of Arc Voltage
- Buffered Step & Direction for direct interface to Motor Drive.
- All inputs are isolated and Simple wiring.
- Sample voltage mode - THC measures the voltage at the end of the AVC Delay and uses it as a set point for the remainder of the cut.
- Skip IHS mode - If the next starting point is within this distance of the end of the previous cut, the THC skips the IHS.
- Improved Jog - the lifter initially jogs 0.25 mm. After 0.5 second, it begins continuous motion at the IHS Speed. After 1.5 seconds, the lifter increases the speed to the programmed Manual Speed.
- Automatic control of ventilation.
- There are the relays on the board which produce Preflow during IHS and Pierce End signals.
- Integrated diagnostic system informs the operator of the errors that occurred.
- Ability to work in trial mode without limitation functions until the end of the set value of the pierce count. Further work is possible after entering the activation code (for OEM manufacturer).
- Easy Software update using the utility NeuronFlasher.
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