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Need Help! Oblong holes

My VMC40 is cutting oblong holes. Counter clock wise and clockwise. No abrupt motion or wall abnormality's at the quadrants. The oblong (its about +.015 big) is being produced at the ++45degree quadrent (2:30) and -- 45 degree quadrent (7:30). I am narrow on the other 45's and measure pretty close on the x axis quadrants. Feedrate makes little difference. 10ipm produces this result

As the machine is doing a circular interpolation, the following error on the x axis gets greater and great up to the y quadrent and then gets close at the axis.

I am assuming this means I need to do some servo tuning but the only thing I can find is setting the master feed clock and position loop gain in that order. I was able to dial it in pretty much dead nuts to the 595 following error.

What else can I do here? This is driving me NUTS!!!

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