I'm trying to help a couple of young Makers by cutting some aluminum parts on my Tormach mill. They have obtained .SLDPRT files for these items, but regrettably they don't have SolidWorks, and neither do I. :/
I'm going to be using Cut3D to create my Gcode, so what I _think_ I need is some 2D .DXF projections from each of these parts. The parts are symmetrical, so I think I need just Top, Side, and both End projections. Am I headed in the right direction? Is there anybody out there who can do this translation for us?
I'm going to be using Cut3D to create my Gcode, so what I _think_ I need is some 2D .DXF projections from each of these parts. The parts are symmetrical, so I think I need just Top, Side, and both End projections. Am I headed in the right direction? Is there anybody out there who can do this translation for us?