I recently purchased this on Amazon and tried to drive some nema 23 motors. I'm pretty sure it's connected up right because I ran a tb6560 3 axis board no problem minutes before trying to use it. I can get it to light up and that's about it. It doesn't make the motors move at all. I'm using Mach 3 and have tried every motor output/ output signal configuration I could find on the web to no avail. I also tried 2 different parallel port cables and doubt it's a problem there. It came with no manual or cd so I have no idea what the configs are. It does cause the steppers to brake or lock up but not move. I'm running a dc 24v 15 power supply.DSCN7129.jpgDSCN7130.jpg
This is supposed to be the newer version to the blue board I guess. Anyone have any info or input that can help me here? Thanks in advance
This is supposed to be the newer version to the blue board I guess. Anyone have any info or input that can help me here? Thanks in advance