Just purchased a Bridgeport series II with a M400 control on it. The guy I bought it from put the control on it 1997 with all new motors and control from centroid. He made 4 prototype parts and hadn't used it in 12 years. The control and motors are basically new. I got the machine back to the shop and hooked up to find that 3 of the 4 axis were backwards so I changed that via the control and switched the limits accordingly so they all travel and limit in the correct orientation. The problem I am having is that when I hit cycle start to home the machine it will home the Z then the X, but when it gets to the Y axis it moves slowly to the Y+ limit and when it hits it the machine throws a code saying 'Y+ Limit', and the next line is 'Y axis full motor power no motion'. I can't use the jog buttons to back away from the limit and have to turn the pulley by hand until the control reads 'y limit cleared'. Then the Y axis will work from the jog buttons. I can't get past that point and don't know where to go from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Best regards,