I am not new to machining and have run a whole lot of different machines including manuals in my time in this trade. I also love this trade and have learned huch here on this site for which I 'am very grateful. My weakness is that in our shop we have proven programs for parts which we run regularly. On nights sometimes I have a new part and program or either a proven program which still needs depending upon the several programmers we have had over the years. Since we do not have the resources as they do on nights we scrounge for tools and must try to fix up some programs we have given to us to run. Please mentor me advice on what to do to improve and to suggest programs which I may write and then save them to USB so that I may do simple things which will help me stand out. Any kind advice from you who may have gone through this in your past which will help is much appreciated. My goals are doing better for my employer and also making my value such I may receive a raise or be kept on if there is a layoff. Any ideas to be more productive is welcome alsothe runs are smaller. I have figured I have been stuck in a rut as higher production is what I mainly did and did not learn as I should have. Please help me to be of good value to my employer. Thank you in Advance.:stickpoke