I need a help on fadal VMC 6535 machine(2005). I bought this machin on auction without any documentation.
It have a Siemens controler 840 D. I have some experience with this controler and allso with others,
but now when we want to start machine we have emergency stop alarm,no mode group ready.
All emergency buttons are in right positions, also doors are closed.
Where to start??
What is the right procedure for start this machine?, What is the green button on picture..
Can anyone help me?
Best regards,
I need a help on fadal VMC 6535 machine(2005). I bought this machin on auction without any documentation.
It have a Siemens controler 840 D. I have some experience with this controler and allso with others,
but now when we want to start machine we have emergency stop alarm,no mode group ready.
All emergency buttons are in right positions, also doors are closed.
Where to start??
What is the right procedure for start this machine?, What is the green button on picture..
Can anyone help me?
Best regards,