This has been a tough learning experience for us, just as we think we're making progress booom here we go again... The cutter is going along a straight line cut and just turns right into our part. We redid the post file (made a few changes) this time it went past the same spot without crashing, but it crashed again in another spot! This time I called tech support who back plotted our post and could not find a problem, looked at our model and could not find a problem, simulator does not show the problem. Afterwards we went through the lines and found this:
N5218 G00 Z.1
N5219 X3.1336
N5220 Z-.93
N5221 Z-1.04
N5222 G01 Y3.2282 F20.
N5223 X3.1351 Y3.2279
N4777 G02 X3.2758 Y3.1567 I-.1438 J-.4971
N4778 G02 X3.3169 Y3.1271 I-.3138 J-.4787
N4779 G02 X3.509 Y2.7276 I-.3191 J-.3994
N4780 G02 X3.509 Y2.7276 I-.5113 J0.
N4781 G01 Y2.726
N4782 Y-2.7263
N4783 Y-2.7275
N4784 G02 X3.4943 Y-2.8495 I-.5149 J.0001
N4785 G02 X3.4128 Y-3.0263 I-.4996 J.1232
N4786 G01 X3.4127 Y-3.0264
Raised the Z axis (to clear the tool) and ran this section of code, sure enough it did a whoopi doo just like it was told to.
We are using centroid_m400_rev2.millpst
What could cause it and how do we fix it? We are behind the 8 ball on this job and desperate for a solution. Attached is the full post, Thanks to the users and support found here.
N5218 G00 Z.1
N5219 X3.1336
N5220 Z-.93
N5221 Z-1.04
N5222 G01 Y3.2282 F20.
N5223 X3.1351 Y3.2279
N4777 G02 X3.2758 Y3.1567 I-.1438 J-.4971
N4778 G02 X3.3169 Y3.1271 I-.3138 J-.4787
N4779 G02 X3.509 Y2.7276 I-.3191 J-.3994
N4780 G02 X3.509 Y2.7276 I-.5113 J0.
N4781 G01 Y2.726
N4782 Y-2.7263
N4783 Y-2.7275
N4784 G02 X3.4943 Y-2.8495 I-.5149 J.0001
N4785 G02 X3.4128 Y-3.0263 I-.4996 J.1232
N4786 G01 X3.4127 Y-3.0264
Raised the Z axis (to clear the tool) and ran this section of code, sure enough it did a whoopi doo just like it was told to.
We are using centroid_m400_rev2.millpst
What could cause it and how do we fix it? We are behind the 8 ball on this job and desperate for a solution. Attached is the full post, Thanks to the users and support found here.